A Grim Collage The flower wreath is from one of the rotting Reader’s Digest condensed books that my library was throwing out. The skull is from The “‘Tis Very Cold”
Author: katie
The Mylohyoid Muscle
Flashcard Collage #1 The flashcard is from a set I found at Goodwill called Muscles of the Human Body (Vol 2). The 2002 edition I “The Mylohyoid Muscle”
Meadow & Metal Hills
Trash Collage #7 Because after keeping a trash journal in 2019, I can’t stop picking things off the ground and trying to give those small purposeless items “Meadow & Metal Hills”
Blue Board & Cloudy Skies
Trash Collage #6 Because after keeping a trash journal in 2019, I can’t stop picking things off the ground and trying to give those small purposeless items “Blue Board & Cloudy Skies”
Bird Lady & Petal
Pressed Flower Collage #2 I used several elements that are also found in the previous pressed flower collage including a pressed rose petal from my “Bird Lady & Petal”
Rose & Bird
Pressed Flower Collage #1 This collage started with a few packets of pressed flowers and plants that my mom mailed me from her garden. It “Rose & Bird”
Nature & Neon
Collage made from a scrap bit of book spine with some of the binding cloth hanging on, gold thread, plastic leaves (that came home with “Nature & Neon”
Haayy Angel
Trash Collage #5 Because after keeping a trash journal in 2019, I can’t stop picking things off the ground and trying to give those small purposeless items “Haayy Angel”
Lady Bird
A combination of a bird wing photograph, paper pulled from magazines, and very small pieces of old art projects.
Cruisin’ The Park
The background photo was taken with a holga camera at a park in my college town. It might have been printed for a long ago “Cruisin’ The Park”