Ghost Collaging
Read more about the 2021 daily art journal and each month’s theme here.
Creating daily ghosts in October continues to remain one of my favorite assignments. I now have three years of ghosts under my belt (2018, 2020, and now this year) and it’s been very interesting to see how my style has grown, what materials grab my attention, and what ghost shapes I repeat most often.
I fully expect to be doing October ghosts again in 2022 and the plan is to try and branch out from my usual ghost shapes and continue to stretch beyond just collaging with paper. (In addition to all the paper, this year’s collection did include a stitched fabric ghost, a sunprint ghost, and an instant photo of my brother dressed in a sheet – it’s a start.)

Some of the collage materials include: stickers from Stickertopia: The Museum, The Antiquarian Sticker Book, and a few from the back of some Beci Orpin books; illustrations from Extraordinary Things to Cut Out and Collage; Flow magazine snippets; vintage illustrations from various books and manuals; stamps (ink and postage); acrylic paint; glitter nail polish; fabric & thread; sunprint paper; etc…
I love so many of this year’s ghosts – even if my mom did say she thought the ghost from 10/17 looked like it had a cow udder. Boo Moo?