Instant Photo Inserts
Read more about the book-making plan for 2022ย and 2023 here.
After taking sky photos for a November art assignment in 2021 and developing a small obsession with cloud watching, I’ve been continuing to devote a lot of film to the view looking up. Using the photos as a subject for a small book sounded exciting, but I didn’t want to just scan and use prints of the photos. Or slap glue on the back of the photos themselves and stick them to pages.
I found a solution after running across a simple pocket book tutorial from the Make Something Nice blog – I’ll be using the photos as inserts in a book with little fold-up pockets. After even more searching, I became especially enamored by a book called “The Missing Typewriter Key” by Robyn Foster – it features circular windows in the pockets that give you a peek at the inserts. What a wonderful idea.
Best of the collection so far:

As the instant photo collection has grown, stormy skies and the more dramatic clouds with deeper colors have become favorites. The original book idea didn’t go past “use cloud photos”, but as I’ve been setting aside the winners, the focus has started to narrow to storm clouds in particular. I’m not sure yet if I’ll use only storm photos for the whole book or go for a progression ๐ clear blue skies and white fluffy clouds with later pages featuring photos with more cloud cover then moving on to darker clouds and full-on stormy skies.
Stormy favorites: