A Grim Collage The flower wreath is from one of the rotting Reader’s Digest condensed books that my library was throwing out. The skull is from The “‘Tis Very Cold”
The Mylohyoid Muscle
Flashcard Collage #1 The flashcard is from a set I found at Goodwill called Muscles of the Human Body (Vol 2). The 2002 edition I “The Mylohyoid Muscle”
Meadow & Metal Hills
Trash Collage #7 Because after keeping a trash journal in 2019, I can’t stop picking things off the ground and trying to give those small purposeless items “Meadow & Metal Hills”
Blue Board & Cloudy Skies
Trash Collage #6 Because after keeping a trash journal in 2019, I can’t stop picking things off the ground and trying to give those small purposeless items “Blue Board & Cloudy Skies”
Bird Lady & Petal
Pressed Flower Collage #2 I used several elements that are also found in the previous pressed flower collage including a pressed rose petal from my “Bird Lady & Petal”
Rose & Bird
Pressed Flower Collage #1 This collage started with a few packets of pressed flowers and plants that my mom mailed me from her garden. It “Rose & Bird”
Nature & Neon
Collage made from a scrap bit of book spine with some of the binding cloth hanging on, gold thread, plastic leaves (that came home with “Nature & Neon”
Haayy Angel
Trash Collage #5 Because after keeping a trash journal in 2019, I can’t stop picking things off the ground and trying to give those small purposeless items “Haayy Angel”
Lady Bird
A combination of a bird wing photograph, paper pulled from magazines, and very small pieces of old art projects.
Cruisin’ The Park
The background photo was taken with a holga camera at a park in my college town. It might have been printed for a long ago “Cruisin’ The Park”