Better Late Than Never?

I’m not sure what happened the first half of this year, but every time I sat down to start on a project my mind just wouldn’t cooperate. I assume that at least part of it had to do with processing my dad’s death last Christmas, but some of it may also have been due to my increasingly intense levels of anxiety. (Thankfully, this is all getting worked on with the help of a lovely therapist lady.)
In any case, I did try to find ways to be creative in smaller ways while I waited for my brain to kick into gear. There have been lots of instant photo taking and smaller mending and stitching chores. I’ve been reading a lot and there was a two-week trip to England in there somewhere. I’ve kept busy, just not in the ways I was expecting.
At the beginning of the year, I decided to make book-making my art assignment goal for 2022 – that has been very slow to start as well. But one book is finished (Out of Circulation) and I’m making exciting headway on the cloth book. I’ve also collected ingredients for several others:
I am incredibly relieved that I’m feeling more ready to dive into all the projects I’ve been so eager to start. I have a lot of making up to do.