Fabric Picked & Pages Cut
Book-making is my art assignment goal for 2022. Read more about the cloth book here and about the overall plan here. Or you can find it all under the art assignments tab.
After dithering for months – swapping out fabric choices, finding new fabrics that *had* to be included but changed the color scheme completely, buying new thread I probably don’t need, going through my fabric bins just one more time, etc…. the book ingredients have been finalized.
Task #1 was to cut 20 rectangles to be the pages. (I’m using this cloth book tutorial by Ann Wood Homemade.) To keep things from getting too crazy, I stuck with 10 fabrics I love and cut two rectangles of each:

In the group: worn fabric from my gramma’s couch (the yellow) and one of her pillows (the green with crewel embroidery), vintage cloth from my grandmother’s stash (little blue flowers), worn scraps from around the house (the stripes are from a badly ripped pillowcase), and bits of a quilt top that I found on a recent trip to England.

I also managed to narrow down the scraps and thread colors I’ll be using when I start stitching on the pages. Some of the winners: bits from old shirts, more of my grandmother’s fabric, ribbon (also from the England trip), lace flowers (found lost and abandoned on the sidewalk!), a vintage hankie, etc.

The book continues here.